Posters will be displayed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with ample time being allowed during breaks and lunch for viewing.
They will be displayed across five rooms, 6, 7, 10, 11 and the marquee by topic
If you are a poster presenter, you may put your poster up when you arrive so it is ready for the morning break.
Your poster should be portrait in orientation and no bigger than A0 (90cm width x 120cm high).
To enable delegates to easily read the information the font should be a minimum of 1cm high.
Room 6 |
E-294 Electrostatic Orbitron Fusion Reactor: First-Order Power Balance Estimates – Robin Langtry, Avalanche Energy (R6:01) |
E-383 R&D achievements of CFETR plasma control system software development platform – Lingling Yan, Chaohu university (R6:02) |
E-171 On a high-mirror stellarator reactor exploratory concept with neutrons concentrated on centrifuge liquids – Vicente Queral, CIEMAT (R6:03) |
E-103 Alternative Replacement Of The Plasma Facing Materials As Working Fluids In The Fusion Device And Their Digital Twins – Aarya Kulkarni, DKTE’s Textile and Engineering Institute (R6:04) |
E-465 Progress of the First Light Fusion Reactor Chamber Design – Jonathan Shimwell, First Light Fusion (R6:05) |
E-38 GATM: A 3-D FE Fusion Magnet Model & Application to DIII-D & Next Generation Devices – James A Leuer, General Atomics (R6:06) |
E-267 Conceptual Design of a Magnetized Target Fusion Power Plant – Daymon Krotez, General Fusion (R6:07) |
E-54 Engineering Design and R&D Progress of Toroidal Field Superconducting Magnet of CFETR – Jinxing Zheng, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R6:08) |
E-81 Lightning Fault Assessment and Protection Design of Substation in CFETR – Yuchen Wang, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R6:09) |
E-185 The CHIMERA PbLi Loop, Performance Considerations for Operating Breeding Blanket Experiments in a High Magnetic Field and their Design Impact. – David Horsley, UKAEA (R6:10) |
K-500 Improving glovebox safety for hazardous materials, through the deployment of collaborative robotics and digital twins. -Matt Harrison, Atkins (R6:11) |
K-501 Digital Twin Use Cases in the Nuclear Fusion Sector – Ben Reynard, Atkins (R6:12) |
K-287 Implementation and development of a unified systems engineering methodology for design of ITER diagnostic systems – Hojka Jarc, Cosylab (R6:13) |
K-431 Network Model and System Architecture Analysis of the ITER Plasma Control System – Torben Beernaert, DIFFER (R6:14) |
K-419 Production of CAD based neutronics geometry with an open source software stack – Jonathan Shimwell, First Light Fusion (R6:15) |
K-180 Facing the Challenge of Constructing a Fusion Device in an Industrial Environment – Liam Worth, ITER Organization (R6:16) |
K-638 Fast Neural-Network Surrogate Model of the Updated Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module for NSTX-U – Brian Leard, Lehigh University (R6:17) |
K-207 Oxford Sigma’s Materials Technology for Fusion Energy – Thomas Davis, Oxford Sigma Ltd (R6:19) |
K-422 UKAEA CHIMERA fusion test bed: design validation using a digital twin. – Michael Williams, PDL Solutions (Europe) Ltd (R6:20) |
K-203 Reference Class Forecasting and its application to Fusion power plant cost estimates – Chris Brown, UKAEA (R6:21) |
K-633 STEP towards Model Based Systems Engineering – Jason Joannou, UKAEA (R6:22) |
K-243 Fusion reactor plant in-silico design and efficient simulation management case studies – Aby Abraham, UKAEA (R6:23) |
K-542 DEMO RM Product Breakdown Structure: A new approach to collaborating with other DEMO Work Packages – Clive Jackson, UKAEA (R6:24) |
K-317 Proposed CHIMERA experiments for validation of electromagnetic modelling – Jonathan Horne, UKAEA (R6:25) |
K-141 Methodology for applying Extended Reality simulations for ITER design and hands-on interventions verification – Chiara Di Paolo, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (R6:26) |
K-112 Functional architecture of conceptual design: Model-based interface management in complex systems – William Brace, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (R6:27) |
K-123 Digital thread architecture: Coupling requirements and 3D CAD models in an iterative closed design loop – William Brace, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (R6:28) |
L-147 Technology Selection and Development of the STEP Tritium Extraction System – Dan Lee-Lane, UKAEA (R6:29) |
Room 7 |
A-434 A Monte Carlo simulation for distribution of cesium flux at cesium nozzles of negative ion sources – Yong Wu, Anhui Jianzhu University (R7:01) |
A-526 Status of the 3MW ECRH system at 105 GHz for WEST – Lena Delpech, CEA (R7:02) |
A-408 Effect of cathode coil on the commissioning of new 42GHz Gyrotron for ECRH system in SST-1 & Aditya-U – Braj Kishore Shukla, Institute of Plasma Physics (R7:03) |
A-348 Research and development of long pulse ECRH system towards CFETR – Xiaojie Wang, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R7:04) |
A-470 Testing of CVD diamond disks for the torus windows of the ITER EC H&CD system – Sabine Schreck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R7:05) |
A-384 Preliminary design of the structural system of the EU DEMO EC equatorial launcher – Peter Spaeh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R7:06) |
A-592 Development of twin disk windows for KSTAR helicon current drive system – Jeehyun Kim, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (R7:07) |
A-451 Test of 28 GHz/35 GHz gyrotron for Electron Bernstein waves heating system of MAST-U – Maki Okada, Kyoto Fusioneeering (R7:09) |
A-13 DIII-D RF Systems Development – Mirela Cengher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R7:10) |
A-506 Status of prototype components for the ITER Ion Cyclotron transmission line and Matching System – Jayakrishnan Appanam Karakkad, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R7:11) |
A-330 Investigation of Radio Frequency Driven Plasma Material Interactions of Reactor Relevant Materials – John Caughman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R7:12) |
A-594 Electrical analysis of the pre-matching network for the ITER ion-cyclotron heating and current drive system – Richard Goulding, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R7:13) |
A-370 Use of Machine Learning Techniques to Evaluate TORIC Generated Profiles on NSTX-U in the start-up/ramp-up regime – Domenica Corona Rivera, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (R7:14) |
A-546 Electron Bernstein waves heating experiments in SUNIST – Shouzhi Wang, Tsinghua University (R7:15) |
A-315 Design Overview of the MAST-Upgrade Microwave Heating and Current Drive System – Joe Allen, UKAEA (R7:16) |
A-135 Current drive and heating efficiency for tokamak reactors and power plants – Michael Kovari, UKAEA (R7:17) |
Room 9 |
A-426 1.5 MW CW RF Loads for Gyrotrons – Lawrence Ives, Calabazas Creek Research, Inc. (R9:01) |
A-188 The Lemon Hyperlens concept and its application to the DTT Neutral Beam Injector – Fabio Veronese, Consorzio RFX (R9:02) |
A-477 Breakdown identification in MITICA test facility: progress towards power supply integration – Loris Zanotto, Consorzio RFX (R9:03) |
A-524 Conceptual design of the DTT ECRH High voltage Power Supply system – Marco De Nardi, Consorzio RFX (R9:04) |
A-401 Structural design of an Electrostatic Shield at -600kV for the MITICA beam source – Sylvestre Denizeau, Consorzio RFX (R9:05) |
A-557 Comparative analysis of vacuum feedthroughs for the DTT ICRH system – Francesco Mirizzi, CREATE Consortium, (R9:06) |
A-634 Sensitivity Analysis of the Lumped Thermal Model of the EU 170Ghz Gyrotron Magneton Injection Gun – Carolina Introini, Department of Energy (R9:07) |
A-418 On the recent experimental investigation of ECH deposition broadening in DIII-D and the potential consequences for the ITER EC system – Jelle Slief, DIFFER (R9:08) |
A-78 Present Status and Future Plans for the DIII-D Neutral Beam System – Brendan Crowley, DIII_D National Fusion Facility (R9:09) |
A-479 Status of DTT ECH transmission lines and antennas – Francesco Fanale, ENEA (R9:10) |
A-57 Designing High Voltage breakdown tolerance in Neutral Beam and Gyrotron HV Power Supplies – Carl Pawley, General Atomics (R9:11) |
A-596 Advancements in High Power ECH Equipment for a Fusion Pilot Plant – Kurt Zeller, General Atomics (R9:12) |
A-22 The High-Power Helicon Current Drive System at DIII-D – Shawn Tang, General Atomics (R9:13) |
A-297 Performance analysis of ITER equatorial launcher considering mechanical tolerances and mode purity – Satoru Yajima, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (R9:14) |
A-397 Neutral Beam Performance in Fusion Neutron Source Tokamak – Eugenia Dlougach, (R9:15) |
A-407 Preliminary mechanical design of the ICRH Antenna for the DTT facility – Gianluca Camera, University of Naples Federico II (R9:16) |
A-445 Design considerations for a transient CHI gas injection system for PEGASUS-III – Roger Raman, University of Washington (R9:17) |
Room 11 |
E-322 Economic analysis of hybrid hydrogen production via electrolysis using spherical tokamaks – Tom Griffiths, Imperial College London (R11:01) |
E-372 The identification of cost drivers of hybrid hydrogen production in fusion power plants using Bayesian Networks. – Tom Griffiths, Imperial College London (R11:02) |
E-140 Numerical simulation of irradiation induced swelling for STAR 4.1 blanket – Han Zhang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (R11:03) |
E-644 Minimizing cost and maximizing value for fusion plants in future energy systems – Jacob Schwartz, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (R11:04) |
E-30 Progress made on the STAR power plant design with special detail in the design of a high temperature blanket system – Thomas Brown, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (R11:05) |
E-124 Extrapolating Costs to Commercial Fusion Power Plants – Jack Foster, UKAEA (R11:06) |
E-200 Conceptual Design of Spherical Tokamaks using Spherical Harmonic Flux Constraints in Bluemira – Georgina Graham, UKAEA (R11:07) |
E-239 Global Optimisation and Uncertainty Quantification with the PROCESS Power Plant Systems Code – Jonathan Maddock, UKAEA (R11:08) |
E-241 Fusion power plant cost modelling uncertainties – Nousheen Nawal, UKAEA (R11:09) |
I-51 Research on lithium-ion capacitor energy storage based on cascaded STATCOM for impulse power compensation of fusion power supply – Yunxiang Tian, ASIPP (R11:10) |
I-575 MEST multi-coil system control and application study to a PILOT FFHR with a RFP fusion core – Francesco Lunardon, Consorzio RFX (R11:11) |
I-461 Detailed optimization of supercritical CO2 power cycle for the DEMO fusion power plant – Jan Syblík, CTU in Prague (R11:12) |
I-320 Numerical investigation of the thermohydraulic characteristic of printed circuit heat exchangers with zigzag channel geometry – Matyáš Junek, CTU in Prague (R11:13) |
I-427 Thermodynamic comparison of steam and CO2 turbines for the DEMO power plant – Jan Stepanek, CTU in Prague (R11:14) |
I-527 Status of the power supply systems for the DTT coils – Pietro Zito, ENEA (R11:15) |
I-573 Energy storage optimization for the DTT coil power supplies – Sabino Pipolo, ENEA (R11:16) |
I-273 Design of a new high precision synchronous trigger unit – Wenhao Li, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:17) |
I-80 Stability and reliability analysis of high-power magnet power supply based on long pulse operation of CRAFT – Ling Zhang, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:18) |
I-536 Design the Phase Output Bar for Improving Static and Dynamic Current Distribution among Parallel IGBTs in High Power rectifier Bridge Arm of Super-conducting Tokamak (EAST) – Yuanxun Liu, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:19) |
I-435 Structural Analysis and Design of High Power IGBT Bridge Arm Unit for EAST Poloidal-field Power Supply – Yuanxun Liu, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:20) |
I-115 Fault diagnosis of fusion power station based on neural network – Hui Chen, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:21) |
I-33 Preliminary design and analysis of key switching components of switching network in fusion device – Qianglin Xu, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:22) |
I-530 Analysis on anti-bouncing performance of pyrobreaker main contact – Cunwen Tang, NARI Group Corporation (R11:23) |
I-625 Modelling and optimization in support of the refrigerator design for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility – Fabrizio Lisanti, Politecnico di Torino (R11:24) |
I-631 Computational heat transfer optimisation in a blanket’s cooling system using data driven Machine Learning – Daniela Minerva Segura Galeana, Swansea University (R11:25) |
I-581 Development of SUNIST-2 TF Power Supply System Based on Modularized Supercapacitor Array – Tingzhi Chang, Tsinghua University (R11:26) |
I-547 Development of hybrid multi-level inverters for the PF coils of the SUNIST-2 spherical tokamak – Zichong Song, Tsinghua University (R11:27) |
I-478 Latest developments on manufacturing cooling channels in copper using CoreFlow™ – Sam Holdsworth, TWI Ltd. (R11:28) |
I-510 Additive Manufacturing and Composite Reinforcement of Next Generation Electrical Machine Windings – Opportunities in Other Disciplines? – Nick Simpson, University of Bristol (R11:29) |
I-447 Design of the Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) for Tokamak Deployment – Roger Raman, University of Washington (R11:30) |
Marquee |
C-587 Influence of newly implemented variable perpendicular transport terms on the heat fluxes predicted by SolEdge3X-HDG code – Ivan Kudashev, Aix-Marseille Université (M:01) |
C-641 Simulation of 11B based oxide glasses in Fusion environment as candidates for glass scintillators – El Mehdi Ghardi, Bangor University (M:02) |
C-40 Testing of a full-scale prototype In-Vessel Viewing System with hybrid LiDAR designed for nuclear compatibility – Antoine Bourgade, Bertin Technologies (M:03) |
C-46 Self-radiometric calibration solution for tokamak’s optical diagnostics – Slim Hamdani, Bertin Technologies (M:04) |
C-47 DIP, a high-power IR dispersion interferometer using OpGaAs crystal for electron density measurement – Vincent Carrat, Bertin Technologies (M:05) |
C-63 Final design and tests of the In-Vessel shutter of the ITER Wide Angle Viewing System (WAVS) in Equatorial Port 12 – Christophe Guillon, CEA (M:06) |
C-672 SXR GEM diagnostic integration at WEST – Julian Colnel, CEA (M:07) |
C-148 Neural network-based defect detection on tomography images for quality control of inertial fusion capsules – David Orozco, General Atomics (M:08) |
C-23 Implementation of a Doppler-Free Saturation Spectroscopy (DFSS) diagnostic for helicon wave electric field vector measurement in edge plasma in DIII-D – David Su, General Atomics (M:09) |
C-144 A Novel Pipeline for Generating Defect Detection Statistics in Inertial Fusion Capsule Tomography Datasets – Matthew Quinn, General Atomics (M:10) |
C-336 Design of ITER data sharing system for PF Control System – Yan Geng, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:11) |
C-170 Improved Horizontal Plasma Position Control Using c-RIO based real time System in Aditya-U. – Pramila Gautam, Institute of Plasma Physics (M:13) |
C-31 Design, Development and characterization of a prototype supersonic molecular beam edge diagnostic system for tokamak SST-1 – Milaan Patel, Institute of Plasma Physics (M:14) |
C-466 Test results of miniature ceramic-antimony Hall sensors for ITER and DEMO – Slavomir Entler, Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (M:15) |
C-269 Quickly obtaining rotation velocity and ion temperature profiles of fusion plasma by X-ray Crystal Spectroscopy based on artificial neural network model – Zichao Lin, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:16) |
C-88 Workflow for the assessment of ITER Plasma Control System design for PFPO-1 phase – Luigi Pangione, ITER Organization (M:17) |
C-179 Investigation of Allowable Weld Defect Size for DEMO Cooling Pipes – Azman Azka, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (M:18) |
C-454 Development of double wall bellows for ITER VUV spectrometer systems – Jaemin Kim, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:19) |
C-603 Estimation of radial electric field of KSTAR operation scenario – Juyoung Ko, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:20) |
C-513 Line integrated density measurements on the VEST tokamak using frequency sweep interferometry – Seong-Heon Seo, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:21) |
C-328 Experimental validation of the reflectivity of the SiC first mirror in ITER VUV spectrometer in 2.4 – 160 nm – Yoo Kwan Kim, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:22) |
C-617 Dynamic Actuator Allocation via Reinforcement Learning for Concurrent Regulation of Plasma Properties – Sai Tej Paruchuri, Lehigh University (M:23) |
C-130 Semi-Automatic Infrared Image Annotation for Thermal Event Instance Segmentation – Bartłomiej Jabłoński, Lodz University of Technology (M:24) |
C-9 Performance of LaB6-emitters for neutral gas pressure gauges under plasma conditions – Victoria Haak, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald (M:25) |
C-129 Hardening of Wendelstein 7-X infrared and H-alpha immersion tubes for experimental campaigns OP2.1 and OP2.2 – Marco Krause, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (M:26) |
C-310 Optimizing ITER bolometer cameras in view of internal reflections and cross-talk between channels – Hans Meister, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics (M:27) |
C-324 Progress in the Design of a Spectroscopic Neutron Camera for SPARC – John Ball, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M:28) |
C-378 A High-Resolution Neutron Spectrometer for Burning Plasma Diagnosis on SPARC – Shon Mackie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M:29) |
C-624 Enhanced diagnostic suite of and recent results from the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-β – Anurag Maan, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:30) |
C-364 Preliminary Design of Ironless Linear Induction Motors for ITER Diagnostics Shutter Actuators – Jiarong Fang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:31) |
C-489 Engineer design of x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer (XICS) for long-pulse (100 s) profile measurements at JT60SA – Luis Delgado-Aparicio, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:32) |
C-285 Real-time Ethernet Interface for the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic with NSTX-U’s Plasma Control System – Sherwin Trieu, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:33) |
C-493 Design and Analysis of the TIP Cooled Mirror Block Assembly (CMBA) for the Toroidal Interferometer Polarimeter (TIP) system using ANSYS® CFX – Chirag Rana, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:34) |
C-151 ITER Low-Field Side Reflectometer (LFSR) Diagnostic Ex-Vessel Transmission Line Design – Giuseppe Varile, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:35) |
C-55 Toroidal Interferometer Polarimeter In-Vessel Design – Marc-Andre De Looz, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:36) |
C-256 A Method for the Layout & Application of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors In Complicated Arrangements – Nathaniel Smith, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:37) |
C-517 NSTXU Diagnostic Disruption Dynamic Loading Represented by Response Spectra – Peter Titus, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:38) |
C-570 Research on Temperature Compensation Algorithm of CRAFT Dot Matrix Hall Large Current Sensor – Xu Wu, Hefei University of Technology (M:39) |
C-381 Systematic error analysis of Thomson scattering system on VEST with rotational Raman calibration – Jung-Hwa Kim, Seoul National University (M:40) |
C-531 Multidiagnostic inversion based on Bayesian inference – Zijie Liu, Shenzhen University (M:41) |
C-215 The ST40 high-field spherical tokamak: engineering and diagnostics overview – David Zakhar, Tokamak Energy (M:42) |
C-486 Low Temperature Thomson Scattering system upgrade of the JET HRTS diagnostic for SPI experiments – Zhouji Huang, UKAEA (M:43) |
C-402 Low-Noise Bias Circuitry for Diamond Detectors in a High Radiation Environment – Yannick Verbelen, University of Bristol (M:44) |
C-645 Collective High-k Adjustable-radius Scattering Instrument (CHASI) for measuring electron scale turbulence on MAST-U – David Speirs, University of Strathclyde (M:45) |
C-485 Filterscope Measurements of Tungsten Sputtering from Radio Frequency Sheaths – Kaitlyn Butler, University of Tennessee-Knoxville (M:46) |
C-654 Neural Network-Based Free Boundary Equilibrium Solver for Control-Oriented Transport Simulations – Zibo Wang, Lehigh University (M:47) |
Room 6 |
B-568 Thermo-mechanical characterization of the First Wall limiter design of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility – Maurizio Furno Palumbo, ENEA (R6:01) |
B-567 Status of design of the First Wall supports of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility – Maurizio Furno Palumbo, ENEA (R6:02) |
B-595 Qualification activities for the DTT Divertor – Francesco Giorgetti, ENEA (R6:03) |
B-656 Armor thickness assessment for the DTT divertor targets – Selanna Roccella, ENEA (R6:04) |
B-292 DIII-D Negative Triangularity Armor Tiles – Christopher Crowe, General Atomics (R6:05) |
B-19 Tokamak Divertor Optimization via Modular Construction – Tyler Elsey, General Atomics (R6:06) |
B-275 Instantaneous planar Laser Induced Fluorescence Temperature Measurements of Alumina Nanofluids under Turbulent Natural Convection – Mustafa Iqbal, Imperial College London (R6:07) |
B-612 Cost Estimate about DEMO Divertor – Eurofusion – Ugo Bonavolontà, NIER (R6:08) |
B-484 The Design of the Plasma Material Interaction Chamber for the Material Plasma Exposure Experiment – Adam Aaron, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:09) |
B-369 Evaluation of scenarios for Proto-MPEX target fluxes using auxiliary heating and gas puffing actuators – Md Shahinul Islam, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:10) |
B-235 R&D to reduce impurity production and transport of the impurities to the target in linear plasma devices using helicon plasma sources – Juergen Rapp, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:11) |
B-599 Optimisation of Design of Physical Experiments for the HIVE Experimental Facility using 3D GPR surrogate models – Rhydian Lewis, Swansea University (R6:12) |
B-572 In Situ SEM Investigation on W-Cu Composites for Advanced Divertor Concepts – John Cooper, University of Birmingham (R6:13) |
B-509 Helium Retention from Lithium Evaporation in HIDRA – Andrew Shone, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (R6:14) |
B-263 Free-Surface Liquid Lithium PFC Development with Real-Time Deuterium Implantation and Extraction – Steven Stemmley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (R6:15) |
B-387 Characterization of the ECR plasma for the Flowing Lithium’s Adsorption and Release Experiment for Deuterium (FLARED) – Daniel O’Dea, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (R6:16) |
B-125 High heat flux tests in support of the 3D computational modelling of melting for the EU-DEMO first wall limiters – Maria Lorena Richiusa, University of Oxford (R6:17) |
B-502 Thermo-hydraulic design of the First Wall modules of the DTT facility – Gabriele De Sano, University of Rome Tor Vergata (R6:18) |
L-92 DEMO exhaust processing system: layout overview and permeator performances – Alessia Santucci, ENEA (R6:19) |
L-142 Experimental apparatus and modelling for DEMO helium coolant purification system – Vincenzo Narcisi, ENEA (R6:20) |
L-206 FESTIM: advancements in tritium transport modelling – Remi Delaporte-Mathurin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R6:21) |
L-428 The ITER Diagnostic Residual Gas Analyzer (DRGA) as a fusion plasma process control diagnostic – C Christopher Klepper, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:22) |
L-49 DIII-D Fueling Pellet Injector Upgrades and New Capabilities – Ondrej Dvorak, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:23) |
L-342 Design considerations to ensure robustness of the ITER DRGA – Brendan Quinlan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:24) |
L-626 Erosion of Pellet Mass in a Gas Gun Type Pellet Injector – Larry Baylor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:25) |
L-593 Application of uncertainty propagation techniques to the Tritium Extraction System of the EU DEMO – Fabrizio Lisanti, Politecnico di Torino (R6:26) |
L-198 Parametric analysis of Tritium accidents in the Isotope Rebalancing and Protium Removal System of DEMO Fuel Cycle – Raffaella Testoni, Politecnico di Torino (R6:27) |
L-174 Assessment of tritium reserve inventory in fusion power plants – Samuele Meschini, Politecnico di Torino (R6:28) |
L-627 Hydrogen Isotope Separation using “Trapdoor” Mechanism in Chabazite Zeolite – Lawrence Shere, University of Bath (R6:29) |
L-497 Environmentally Friendly Methods of Lithium Isotope Separation – Norbert Wegrzynowski, University of Bristol (R6:30) |
L-623 Dynamic Modelling of the STEP Fuel Cycle for Tritium Pressure Relief – Emma Barrow, University of Surrey (R6:31) |
L-399 Recent Progress in the Design of the ITER Tokamak Dust Filter System – Jonathan Perry, US ITER-Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R6:32) |
Room 7 |
D-522 Evaluations of the neutron flux and the tritium production inside a fusion breeding blanket mock-up – Yasuyuki Ogino, Tohoku University (R7:01) |
D-314 Present Radwaste Management Aspects for the Test Blanket Systems in ITER – Jaap G Van Der Laan, ITER Organization (R7:02) |
D-91 Geometric optimization of electrically coupled liquid metal manifolds for WCLL blankets – Leo Bühler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R7:03) |
D-111 Meeting the Tritium Breeding Demands for ITER: Upgrade of the KALOS Facility – Oliver Leys, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R7:04) |
D-122 MHD flows in curved pipes under a non-uniform magnetic field – Chiara Mistrangelo, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R7:05) |
D-265 Feasibility Study of Real-time Neutron Measurement using a Diamond detector for the LIBRA experiment – Toshiro Sakabe, Kyoto University (R7:06) |
D-270 The BABY Blanket Experiment: Breeding Tritium with D-T Neutrons in Molten FLiBe at Small Scales – Andrew Thomas Lanzrath, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R7:07) |
D-262 Neutronics Modeling of the Tritium Breeding LIBRA Project – Collin Dunn, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R7:08) |
D-345 Effect of Pebble bed Electrical Resistivity on Electromagnetic Force in WCCB TBM – Wenhai Guan, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (R7:09) |
D-492 nemoFoam: a multi-physics OpenFOAM solver for nuclear fusion applications – Marco Caravello, Politecnico di Torino (R7:10) |
D-601 Compact fusion blanket using plasma-facing liquid Li-LiH walls and lead pebbles – Victor Prost, Renaissance Fusion (R7:12) |
D-585 Investigating the operation of lithium in a breeder blanket using a compact neutron source – Alex Little, University of Bristol (R7:13) |
E-458 Engineering Design of the ENN Spherical Torus EXL-50U – Yuanming Yang, ENN (R7:14) |
E-274 Parametric study of prospective design space for a compact tokamak fusion reactor – Jisung Kang, Jeonbuk National Univeristy (R7:15) |
E-332 Hybrid hydrogen production via electrolysis using spherical tokamaks – Javier Hidalgo-Salaverri, University of Seville (R7:16) |
E-178 Simulation results for the conceptual design of a future Spherical Tokamak power plant – Shiyao Yu, University of Strathclyde (R7:17) |
Room 9 |
D-677 Tritium Extraction from Liquid Metal Breeding Blanket Materials at CNL – Victor Pupkevich, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (R9:01) |
D-32 Estimation and validation of effective thermal conductivity of spherical and ellipsoidal-shaped randomly packed mono-sized, binary-sized and poly-dispersed ceramic pebble beds – Harsh Patel, Institute of Plasma Physics (R9:02) |
D-28 Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of pebble bed and its verification with Artificial neural network – Chirag Sedani, Institute of Plasma Physics (R9:03) |
D-464 Tritium accommodation and diffusion mechanisms in Li8PbO6 – Andrew Davies, Lancaster University (R9:04) |
D-288 Preliminary assessment of additively manufactured rib-enhanced flow channels for helium-cooled blanket concepts – Cody Wiggins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R9:05) |
D-629 Assessment of 1D Channel Flow Models for Tritium Breeding Blanket Cooling – Monica Gehrig, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R9:06) |
D-223 Helium Cooled Lithium Blanket Concept for STEP – Anurag Saigiridhari, UKAEA (R9:07) |
D-205 Neutronics Design Considerations for a Compact Spherical Tokamak – James Hagues, UKAEA (R9:08) |
D-471 Low-temperature fabrication of ceramic tritium breeder materials, for enhanced control of microstructure and phase formation – Enrique Casanas, University of Sheffield (R9:09) |
D-245 Flow-induced vibration in Double-Walled Tubes of the ITER Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead Test Blanket Module – Nakul Sashidharan, UKAEA (R9:10) |
D-312 SmallLab Liquid-Metal Flow Loop for Generation of High-Resolution MHD Experimental Data – Nejdet Erkan, UKAEA (R9:11) |
D-412 Synthesis, processing and mechanical property comparison of the octalithium ceramics (Li8ZrO6, Li8SnO6, Li8CeO6 and Li8PbO6) to replace lithium metatitanate (Li2TiO3) for tritium breeding applications – Pedr Charlesworth, Univeristy of Oxford (R9:12) |
D-162 Clogging analysis of purge flow of a rectangular packed pebble bed in a fusion reactor – Shuwen Yu, University of Science and Technology of China (R9:13) |
E-114 The concept design study and design challenges of the STEP vacuum vessel – Nisarg Patel, UKAEA (R9:14) |
E-291 Conceptual design of the vertical stability and control system for the STEP prototype reactor – Oliver Bardsley, UKAEA (R9:15) |
E-45 The influence of confinement scaling on spherical tokamak power plant design and performance. – Christopher Ashe, UKAEA (R9:16) |
E-237 STEP Heat Load Specification Development – Zsolt Vizvary, UKAEA (R9:17) |
Room 11 |
F-499 Future UK Fusion Power Plants’ – Compliance With Regulation & Governance – Study for UKAEA by Atkins with Kyoto Fusioneering – Richard Perry, Daniel Head and Richard Pearson (R11:01) |
F-615 Techniques for optimising neutron shield design in Monte Carlo methods using material cross-sections – John Billingsley, Cerberus Nuclear (R11:02) |
F-614 MELCOR model development and accident analyses for the EU-WCLL Test Blanket System – Andrew Grief, Jacobs (R11:03) |
F-650 Accelerated Tokamak Shielding Down-Selection – Jack Fletcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R11:05) |
F-152 Risk of Proliferation via Fissile Material Breeding in ARC-Class Fusion Reactors – John Ball, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R11:06) |
F-99 OpenMC Benchmark: the FNS Dogleg Duct Experiment with Weight Window Variance Reduction Technique – Stefano Segantin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R11:07) |
F-224 Implicit stochastic uncertainty propagation method for R2S computational systems – Isabel Maria Lopez Casas, National University of Distance Education (UNED) (R11:08) |
F-480 Determining prompt radiation responses of ITER Equatorial Port 9 – Michael Loughlin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R11:09) |
F-455 Radiation Safety during Plasma Focus Fusion Experimentation – Boon Hwee Chan, PETRONAS (R11:10) |
F-423 ARC-class reactor: neutronic and activation analysis for structural materials – Davide Pettinari, Politecnico di Torino (R11:11) |
F-483 3D simulation of an in-vessel LOCA from a water-cooled blanket in the EU DEMO reactor – Antonio Froio, Politecnico di Torino (R11:12) |
F-202 Impact of structural material choice on neutron activation, waste profiles, and decay profiles of STEP Breeder Blanket – Aditya Pidaparthy, UKAEA (R11:13) |
F-613 Application of OpenMC to Fusion Activation Analysis – Son Quang, University of Tennessee (R11:14) |
F-42 Shutdown dose rate and activity analysis for the maintenance scheme of the FESS-FNSF using OpenMC – Felipe Novais, University of Tennessee (R11:15) |
F-420 Monte Carlo radiation transport codes advanced application to Fusion Neutronics – Jonathan Naish, Tokamak Energy (R11:16) |
F-134 Approach to the Safety Case for a First of a Kind Fusion Power Plant – David Perry, UKAEA (R11:17) |
F-109 Extension of the JADE tool for automated validation of transport codes and nuclear data – Alex Valentine, UKAEA (R11:18) |
F-118 Informing a Proportionate Regulatory Approach for Fusion Power Plants – Bethany Colling, UKAEA (R11:19) |
F-117 Design optimisation, fabrication, and deployment of a passive neutron spectrometer in fusion environments – Ross Worrall, UKAEA (R11:20) |
F-321 Accidental analysis of the PbLi loop for the DEMO WCLL BB concept using MELCOR code – Samad Khani, UKAEA (R11:21) |
F-83 Computational acceleration of the Novel-1-Step shutdown dose rate method with advanced diagnostics for assessment of fusion power plants – Tim Eade, UKAEA (R11:22) |
F-133 Recent Nuclear Analysis of the IFMIF-DONES Phase 2 Commissioning Accelerator and MEBT – Tom Berry, UKAEA (R11:23) |
F-242 Application of GEOUNED code to MCNP model generation in fusion relevant facilities – Juan-Pablo Catalan, UNED (R11:25) |
F-605 Update of the R2SUNED code system for the estimation of shutdown dose rate in fusion facilities – Javier Alguacil, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (R11:26) |
F-514 Neutronics Analysis of Shielding Materials Alternatives to Tungsten Carbide in the FESS-FNSF Facility – Marina Rizk, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (R11:27) |
F-337 Design of the shattered pellet injector and preliminary test results of disruption mitigation on EAST – Guizhong Zuo, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (R11:28) |
F-189 Preliminary accident analysis of loss of vacuum in vacuum vessel of the European DEMO using the helium cooled pebble bed blanket concept – Xue Zhou Jin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (R11:29) |
Marquee |
B-398 SPARC ELM filament heat load predictions on 3D PFC CAD geometry – Tom Looby, Commonwealth Fusion Systems (M:01) |
B-307 Experimental Analysis of The Leidenfrost Effect In Relation To High Heat Flux Cooling – Vojtěch Smolík, Czech Technical University (M:02) |
B-346 Toroidal distribution of heat load on casselated plasma facing components for divertor target in EAST – Junling Chen, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:03) |
B-347 Design and performance of chamfered ITER-like W/Cu monoblocks for divertor target in EAST – Junling Chen, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:04) |
B-127 Enhancements and applications of the SMITER magnetic field line tracing and heat load mapping code package – Gregor Simic, ITER Organization (M:05) |
B-533 Experimental investigation of operating limits of a porous evaporator for a Heat Pipe-based DEMO Divertor Target concept – Wen Wen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (M:06) |
B-620 Studies of boronization layer erosion by Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning plasmas in W7-X – like conditions at TOMAS – Andrei Goriaev, Laboratory for Plasma Physics, LPP-ERM/KMS (M:07) |
B-424 Design and Analysis of Liquid Lithium Plasma Facing Components – Andrei Khodak, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:08) |
B-658 Experiments, simulations and analysis of fast and slow liquid-metal flows for divertor applications – Francisco Saenz, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:09) |
B-363 Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Component Designs for FNSF and NSTX-U – Rajesh Maingi, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (M:10) |
B-659 Are long-distance flowing liquid metals feasible for divertors of fusion reactors? Experimental evidence from Liquid Metal eXperiment-Upgrade at PPPLand NIFS Oroshhi-2 Superconducting Magnet Facility – Egemen Kolemen, Princeton University (M:11) |
B-323 Measuring liquid metal layer thicknesses in the presence of background electric and magnetic fields – Victor Prost, Renaissance Fusion (M:12) |
B-405 Methodology for an initial STEP first wall profile design via heat flux assessment – Dario Vaccaro, UKAEA (M:13) |
B-138 STEP Limiters – Architecture, Integration and Technology Development Plans – Ethan Flynn, UKAEA (M:14) |
B-351 Surface Chemistry Effects on the Wettability of Liquid Lithium on Porous Tungsten and Fusion Relevant Steels – Camila López Pérez, Pennsylvania State University (M:16) |
B-73 Synthetic Diagnostics Bridge Near- and Far-Scrape Off Layer Impurity Transport Modeling to Assess DIII-D Small Angle Slot Divertor – David Donovan, University of Tennessee-knoxville (M:17) |
B-579 Benchmarking of VIPERS, a Two-Dimensional Vapour Shielding Calculation Tool – Jacob Eldred, UKAEA (M:18) |
B-116 Estimating Electromagnetic Disruption Loads During the Concept Design Phase of a Tokamak – Oliver Marshall, UKAEA (M:19) |
F-236 NIE contract and approach to enhance nuclear integration following ALARA principle in Fusion project – Yannick Le Tonqueze, ITER Organization (M:20) |
F-163 Accident analysis of the target cooling system in the deuteron-driven neutron source accelerator using MELCOR – Sungbo Moon, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:21) |
F-177 Safety assessment of a fusion engineering test facility in normal and accidental conditions – Gérald Degreef, Kyoto Fusioneeering (M:22 |
F-195 Deuterium as a substitute for tritium in analysis of organically bound tritium in a model tomato plant – Michael Portuphy, Kyushu University (M:23) |
F-90 The requirements for the fast interlock system of Wendelstein 7-X – Sven Degenkolbe, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (M:24) |
F-68 Management of the Wendelstein 7-X central safety system using a requirement engineering tool – Erik Scharff, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (M:25) |
F-277 An accident diagnosis method of CFETR water-cooled blanket based on deep neural network. – Tianze Bai, USTC (M:26) |
D-232 Material selection and development of liquid lithium resistant ceramic coatings for TBB modules – Jack Lyons, Archer Technicoat (M:27) |
L-282 Modelling microstructural damage effects on tritium retention in tungsten – James Dark, CEA (M:28) |
L-311 Deuterium Permeation Through Self Supported PdAg Tubes in Helium Systems: Mass Transport, Diffusion, and Surface Reactions – Thomas Fuerst, Idaho National Laboratory (M:29) |
L-525 Considerations to reduce the tritium inventory required for a D-T tokamak fusion device – Shanliang Zheng, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:30) |
L-295 Preliminary Design and Optimization of CFETR 25 kW@4.5 K Helium Refrigerator – Zhongyu Zou, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:31) |
L-284 Optimum Design and Research of Lip Metal Seal for Cryostat – Qingzhou Yu, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:32) |
L-255 ITER Gas Injection System manifolds – Yu Yang, ITER Organization (M:33) |
L-105 Experimental and numerical investigation of expanding mercury vapour jets – Tim Teichmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (M:34) |
L-441 Purity requirements for Fusion Power Plant fuel – Yuri Igitkhanov, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (M:35) |
L-392 Product engineering of the DEMO torus vacuum system – Thomas Giegerich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (M:36) |
L-472 Hydrogen and Deuterium desorption performance of uranium hydride bed for tritium storage and delivery system of fusion fuel cycle – Hyun-Goo Kang, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:37) |
L-551 Hydrogen gas delivery and recovery characteristics on a small scale uranium hydride bed with heat transfer-enhancing design – Dong-You Chung, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:38) |
L-558 Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures of Hydrogen Isotopes using Peng-Robinson Equation of State and Margules Activity Model for Cryogenic Distillation – Jae-Uk Lee, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (M:39) |
L-309 Study on the Li mass loss from the advanced Tritium breeder Li2TiO3 + 20wt% Li2ZrO3 in the blanket – Akito Ipponsugi, Kyushu University (M:41) |
L-190 Improvements in Tritium Decanting in the JET AGHS – Alex Withycombe, UKAEA (M:42) |
L-230 Transverse tritium engineering and tritium integration across the EU DEMO project – Barry Butler, UKAEA (M:43) |
L-666 Development and Tritium Commissioning of an Online Tritium Monitor Calibration User Facility – James O’Callaghan, UKAEA (M:44) |
L-113 Hydrogen Experiment for Real-time Analysis (HERA): Challenges for Analytical Requirements for Fusion Fuel Cycle – Lyn Mcwilliam, UKAEA (M:45) |
L-56 A Comparison of Twin-Screw and Single-Screw Extruders for Fusion Continuous Pallet Injectors – Steven Meitner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (M:46) |
L-173 Providence: A Physical Properties Database to Support Fuel Cycle Modelling – Megan Thompson, UKAEA (M:47) |
L-146 Designing an Integrated Architecture for the STEP Plasma Divertor, Exhaust and Fuel Cycle – Adam Cureton, UKAEA (M:48) |
Room 6 |
G-446 E(3)-equivariant neural network interatomic potentials for simulating deuterium sputtering of refractory high entropy alloy PFCs – Neil Chen, Columbia University (R6:01) |
G-108 Pressureless maufucturing of MAX phase Ti3AlC2 and its characterisation – Vyom Desai, Institute of Plasma Physics (R6:02) |
G-175 Thermo-physical properties and characterization studies for Vacuum Hot-Pressed Boron Carbide Ceramics – Bhoomi Gajjar, ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) (R6:03) |
G-467 Optimization of Processing Parameters in Deep Penetration Electron Beam Welding for Stainless Steel 316L – Heejin Shim, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (R6:04) |
G-50 DEMO structural materials R&D in Japan: Progress and prospects with TRL and attribute guides analysis – Takashi Nozawa, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (R6:05) |
G-194 Subtractive machining of tungsten – Ed Reeves, Nuclear AMRC (R6:06) |
G-511 Field Assisted Sintering of Advanced Tungsten Alloys as Divertor PFCs – Chase Hargrove, Pennsylvania State University (R6:07) |
G-400 Application of optical surface stress measurements in deuterium-irradiated polycrystalline and amorphous tungsten – Hanna Schamis, Pennsylvania State University (R6:08) |
G-512 Fabrication of Micro-Porous Tungsten Substrates via Spark Plasma Sintering – Trevor Marchhart, Pennsylvania State University (R6:09) |
G-37 Conductor Improvements for the design of a new NSTX-U TF-OH Bundle – Yuhu Zhai, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (R6:10) |
G-361 Laser-Keyhole Welded Eurofer 97: Microstructural Modelling and Characterisation – James Hargreaves, University of Bristol (R6:11) |
G-360 The Microstructural Evolution of First Wall Eurofer 97 due to Mitigated Disruptions in the DEMO Tokamak – James Hargreaves, University of Bristol (R6:12) |
G-589 Identification of optimised parameters for GTN damage model of CuCrZr under different stress triaxialities using genetic algorithm optimization. – Amelia Billings, University of Bristol (R6:13) |
G-325 Observing microstructural changes in fusion materials using vacuum laser rigs to replicate plasma transients – Hannah Tipping, University of Bristol (R6:14) |
G-608 Simulated Bombardment of Diamond with Hydrogen Isotopes – James Pittard, University of Bristol (R6:15) |
G-410 Molten Lead Corrosion of Materials in Fusion Systems – Tom King, University of Bristol (R6:16) |
G-415 Characterisation of helium irradiation microstructures in titanium and chromium beryllides – Joanne Sharp, University of Huddersfield (R6:17) |
G-8 Study on the magnetic permeability of austenitic stainless steel in large scientific facility – Xiaowei Xia, University of Science and Technology of China (R6:18) |
H-157 Virtual tokamak for test and development of plasma control – Anders Welander, General Atomics (R6:19) |
H-155 A GSevolve-based optimization method for scenario design with demonstration in NSTX-U – Will Wehner, General Atomics (R6:20) |
H-43 Novel approach for control of equilibrium field profile through the real-time plasma current in ADITYA-U and SST-1 tokamaks – Shivam Kumar Gupta, Institute of Plasma Physics (R6:21) |
H-193 Design, Simulation, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of Toroidal Field Power Supply for Simple Tight Aspect Ratio Machine Assembly – Supriya Nair, Institute for Plasma Physics (R6:22) |
H-18 Advanced global thermal model of Wendelstein 7-X plasma vessel – Mikhail Khokhlov, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (R6:23) |
H-53 Configuration Management and Documentation at Wendelstein 7-X – Ute Kamionka, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (R6:24) |
H-247 First results from and next steps for the MAST Upgrade plasma control system – Graham Mcardle, UKAEA (R6:25) |
H-329 Data Orientated Evolving Design Process for PF Coilsets on STEP – Richard Gowland, UKAEA (R6:26) |
H-260 Real-time plasma shape reconstruction on MAST Upgrade based on local expansion – Martin Kochan, UKAEA (R6:27) |
H-240 Development of an ultra-compact neutron/proton source and its prospective applications at the University of Bristol – Mahmoud Bakr, University of Bristol (R6:28) |
H-197 IEC Fusion Rate Enhancement through Deuterium Enrichment of Plasma-Facing Component Surfaces – Tom Wallace-Smith, University of Bristol (R6:29) |
H-159 Loss Analysis of CRAFT Converter Transformer – Lu Wei, University of Science and Technology of China (R6:30) |
H-433 Real-time feedback control of plasma kinetic parameters based on deep reinforcement learning on EAST – Y.C Zhang, University of Science And Technology of China (R6:31) |
H-496 Optimal Magnet Assembly for Error Field reduction – Pasquale Zumbolo, Consorzio CREATE (R6:32) |
Room 7 |
G-96 Suppression of rhenium and osmium production in tungsten-based materials – Thomas Davis, Oxford Sigma Ltd (R7:01) |
G-139 Preliminary Conceptual Design Study on HTS Toroidal Field Coil for High Magnetic Field Spherical Tokamak – Shailendra Chouhan, UKAEA (R7:02) |
G-181 Helium effects in creep resistant steels for fusion – Jack Haley, UKAEA (R7:03) |
G-607 ODS steel joining for fusion components – Huw Dawson, UKAEA (R7:05) |
G-137 Review and Analysis of unirradiated CuCrZr Hydrogen-Isotope Transport Properties: Current Status and Research Needs for the EUROfusion Materials Property Handbook – John Echols, UKAEA (R7:06) |
G-94 Evaluating the tensile deformation behaviour of nanoprecipitation-hardened CrCuZr via in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction – Matthew Carrington, UKAEA (R7:07) |
G-258 Optimising the architecture in dissimilar additive manufactured W/CuCrZr joints for the EU-DEMO limiter design – Przemyslaw Litwa, UKAEA (R7:08) |
G-64 True Stress-Strain Beyond Necking from Miniature Eurofer97 Tensile Samples using Digital Image Correlation with Finite Element Updating – Rory Spencer, UKAEA (R7:09) |
G-228 The effect of in-situ irradiation on the superconducting performance of REBCO coated conductors – William Iliffe, UKAEA (R7:10) |
G-121 STEP’s plan for understanding REBCO coated conductors in the Fusion Environment – William Iliffe, UKAEA (R7:11) |
G-192 Hydrogen isotope retention and release from fusion relevant steels – Zhiheng Wu, UKAEA (R7:12) |
G-283 Development of 9-14 %Cr ODS steels for first wall components in advanced fusion reactors – Vanessa De Castro, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (R7:13) |
G-259 Lithium Compatibility with Structural, Plasma-Facing, and Coated Materials for Fusion Applications – Daniel O’Dea, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (R7:14) |
G-583 Composition and physical properties of Reactive Sintered Borides (RSBs) compact radiation shielding material – Jessica Marshall, University of Warwick (R7:15) |
G-463 Initial investigation of steel joining of cWC and RSB materials – Jessical Marshall, University of Warwick (R7:16) |
G-220 EBSD investigations of irradiated low-activation cemented tungsten carbide (cWC) – Jessica Marshall, University of Warwick (R7:17) |
Room 9 |
G-357 New Plasma Facing Materials Possibility: Diamond-Tungsten Composite – Shaokai Tang, University of Manchester (R9:01) |
G-65 Determining the microscale deformation behaviour of copper-base heat sinks using full field, electron-microscopy-based strain mapping – Ben Poole, UKAEA (R9:03) |
G-86 Development of ceramic oxide coatings for breeder blanket applications. – Hazel Gardner, UKAEA (R9:04) |
G-665 Tritium Ingress into Candidate Structural Materials for Fusion Reactors – James O’Callaghan, UKAEA (R9:05) |
G-333 Development and Understanding of SiCf/SiC Composites for Fusion – James Wade-Zhu, UKAEA (R9:06) |
G-442 Technology readiness assessment of DEMO in-vessel materials – Mark Richardson, UKAEA (R9:07) |
G-84 Interactions of lithium with solid impurities as a function of temperature – Megan Leyland, UKAEA (R9:08) |
G-339 Hydrogen retention in first wall materials from available experimental data – Mikhail Lavrentiev, UKAEA (R9:09) |
G-169 EUROPA: a high-temperature tritium permeation experiment – Teuntje Tijssen, UKAEA (R9:10) |
G-385 Modelling Non-Equilibrium Precipitation Kinetics in CuCrZr for Use in Plasma Facing Components – Samuel Engel, University of Manchester (R9:11) |
G-217 Development of Tungsten Diamond Composites for Nuclear Fusion Applications – Shiying Qin, University of Manchester (R9:12) |
G-437 SiC Fibers-PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM models – Alvaro Martinez Pechero, University of Oxford (R9:13) |
G-646 Hydrogen retention in damaged tungsten: a simulation study – Sophie Towell, University of Oxford (R9:14) |
G-143 Novel High Temperature Zirconium Alloys for Fusion Applications – Bradley Young, University of Oxford (R9:15) |
G-145 High Temperature Liquid Lithium Corrosion – Bradley Young, University of Oxford (R9:16) |
G-651 The growth of fuzzy tungsten using an unipolar-HiPIMS discharge – Zeyad Ali, University of Liverpool (R9:17) |
Room 11 |
G-637 Metallic Glasses – Novel Materials for Applications in Nuclear Fusion – Martin Stiehler, Cranfield University (R11:01) |
G-563 The role of segregation on the possible loss of passivation performance of the WCrY SMART material – Pawel Bittner, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (R11:02) |
G-199 Optimisation of Microstructure and Stoichiometry in Hot Pressed Tungsten Boride Neutron Shielding – James Davidson, Imperial College London (R11:03) |
G-126 Study of radiation-induced defects in tungsten boride ceramic during in-situ helium irradiation. – Mashu Harada, Imperial College London (R11:04) |
G-343 Modelling the Oxidation of Tungsten in Fusion Reactor First Walls – Ryan Kerr, Lancaster University (R11:05) |
G-196 Molecular dynamics simulations of radiation damage and recovery in high temperature superconductors – Samuel Murphy, Lancaster University (R11:06) |
G-257 Materials and Process Development for Additive Manufacture of Lower Hybrid Current Drive Antennas and High Heat Flux Components – Andrew Seltzman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R11:07) |
G-266 Manufacturing Process Development for the Joining of GRCop-84 and -42 Alloys – James Ridzon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (R11:08) |
G-635 Applying Machine Learning algorithms to determine tensile properties of metallic materials from Small Punch Test results – Saleem Lubbad, (R11:09) |
G-334 Hypervelocity dust impacts on plasma facing materials through molecular dynamics simulations – Alberto Fraile, Nuclear Futures Institute (R11:10) |
G-560 Frictional and Wear Testing of the ITER CS Upper Centering System Mechanical Bearing Materials – Kevin Freudenberg, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R11:11) |
G-611 Expected radiation environment and damage for YBCO tapes in compact fusion reactors – Federico Ledda, Politecnico di Torino (R11:12) |
G-204 High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Wire for Compact Fusion Magnets – Cornelia Hintze, THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH (R11:13) |
G-221 The Tokamak Energy approach to dealing with material challenges for fusion pilot plants based on compact spherical tokamaks – Jim Pickles, Tokamak Energy (R11:14) |
G-214 Development of REBCO Magnets for commercial scale Spherical Tokamak’s. – Rod Bateman, Tokamak Energy (R11:15) |
G-248 Liquid Lithium: An enabling technological solution as a regenerative PFC and tritium breeder material in a fusion pilot plant – Jack Osmond Astbury, Tokamak Energy (R11:16) |
G-630 Investigating the effects of bombarding hydrogen ion isotopes on the sputtering yield, ion penetration depth and outgassing in beryllium PFCs using molecular dynamics methods – Alexander Liptak, University of Liverpool (R11:17) |
H-554 Harmonic Generation of Laser in Relativistic-Magneto Plasma – Aman Bhatia, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (R11:18) |
H-302 Magnetic control of WEST plasmas through deep reinforcement learning – Samy Kerboua-Benlarbi, CEA (R11:19) |
H-523 Successful large cryogenic pellets production and acceleration for ITER shattered pellet injection system – Jean Manzagol, CEA (R11:20) |
H-616 Fast Computations of Long Transient Plasma Events via Generalized Eigenvalues – Salvatore Ventre, DIEI (R11:21) |
H-577 Towards detachment control in MAST-U – Bob Kool, DIFFER (R11:22) |
H-640 Saturated-core reactors for the protection of coil circuits against overcurrents induced during plasma disruptions – Alessandro Lampasi, ENEA (R11:23) |
H-473 Experimental tests of typical electrical devices under the impact of high-strength stray magnetic field – Yong Yang, HUST (R11:24) |
H-183 First wall heat load control design for ITER with a model-based approach – Federico Pesamosca, ITER Organization (R11:25) |
H-67 Design, Qualification and Manufacture of ITER Cryostat Rectangular Expansion Joints – Guillaume Vitupier, ITER Organization (R11:26) |
H-234 Electric Torque Tool for JET – Simon Stewart, Jacobs (R11:27) |
H-609 Modifications to the JET Shattered Pellet Injector to optimize Disruption Mitigation Experiments for supporting ITER’s DMS Design – Gerald Gebhart, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (R11:28) |
H-210 How more than 15,000 components are becoming the world’s first high field HTS magnet in a spherical tokamak configuration – Anna Hills, Tokamak Energy (R11:29) |
H-655 Multi-objective Bayesian optimisation for design of Pareto-optimal current drive profiles – Theodore Brown, University of Cambridge (R11:30) |
H-268 Structural analyses of the in-vessel RMP coils of the TCABR tokamak – André Bouzan, USP (R11:31) |
H-222 Manufacture and liquid nitrogen testing of 48 HTS coils for the Demo 4 magnet system at Tokamak Energy – Graham Dunbar, Tokamak Energy (R11:32) |
Marquee |
E-648 DTT vacuum vessel, in-vessel coils, and out vessel systems: overview of design and procurement – Mauro Dalla Palma, CNR-RFX (M:01) |
E-618 Overview of the DTT cryostat design and procurement – Gianluca Barone, DTT S.c. a r.l. (M:02) |
E-566 Overview of the DTT wall cleaning and conditioning system – Giulio Rubino, ENEA (M:03) |
E-643 Rethinking reactor scenario design to exploit high-field: inductive L-mode operation with radiative heat exhaust in ARC-class reactors – Sam Frank, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (M:04) |
E-584 Progress in the thermal shield design for the Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility – Roberto Bonifetto, Politecnico di Torino (M:05) |
E-366 A Systems Code Investigation of Aspect Ratio for EU-DEMO – Alexander Pearce, UKAEA (M:06) |
E-107 Uncertainty Quantification to Recover Physics and Engineering Underperformance in the European DEMO Design – Graeme Turkington, UKAEA (M:07) |
E-409 Path from EU-DEMO to a future commercial power plant – Jonathan Matthews, UKAEA (M:08) |
E-538 DEMO Remote Maintenance Test Facility (RMTF) – Mihai Hrecinuc, UKAEA (M:09) |
E-494 Preliminary evaluation of the effects of the magnetic ripple on the field line topology in DTT – Antonio Iaiunese Consorzio CREATE (M:10) |
J-498 RAM modelling to deliver availability driven design decision making – Dominic Allison & Phillip Xenakis, Atkins (M:11) |
J-657 DTT Remote Handling High-Level Control System – Andrea Reale, ENEA (M:12) |
J-252 Predictive maintenance in fusion devices with an application to the ohmic heating circuit at JET – Leonardo Caputo, Ghent University (M:13) |
J-44 The cooperative control for macro and micro robots of CMOR system based on game theory in CFETR remote handling – Tao Zhang, Hefei University of Technology (M:14) |
J-534 Remote Handling Control System and Operations of Vacuum Compatible In-Vessel Inspection System – Naveen Rastogi, Institute of Plasma Physics (M:15) |
J-102 Research and Development of Joint Test Platform for CFETR Multi-Purpose Overload Robot – Cheng Yang, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (M:16) |
J-350 Assessment of the TRL (Technology Readiness Levels) of the available tools for remote maintenance in a fusion power plant – Jorge Belo, Instituto Superior Técnico (M:17) |
J-128 Friction identification of heavy-duty manipulator CMORE using Markov chain Monte Carlo method – Qi Wang, Lappeenranta University of Technology (M:18) |
J-448 Fast and efficient motion planning algorithm for CFETR multi-purpose overload robot in narrow workspace – Zhixin Yao, Lappeenranta University Of Technology (M:19) |
J-469 Stress identification for the man-in-loop RM of DEMO using ECG signal processing – Amin Hekmatmanesh, LUT University (M:20) |
J-89 Study on the remote maintenance tool and strategy of the port closure plate in a fusion reactor – Changyang Li, LUT University (M:21) |
J-82 Optimization design and development of the multi-purpose deployer for DEMO – Huapeng Wu, LUT university (M:22) |
J-414 Robotic machining: size reduction for fusion decommissioning – Benjamin Rae, Nuclear AMRC (M:23) |
J-182 Development of virtual visit application in DONES facility – Pedro Moreo Fernandez, UGR (M:24) |
J-468 Challenges of In-Vessel Maintenance Within Large Port-Based Tokamak Devices – Aditya Sinha, UKAEA (M:25) |
J-550 Dynamic Parameter Identification of Large Manipulators for Tokamak Remote Maintenance – Andika Yudha, UKAEA (M:26) |
J-539 A comparative analysis of confinement approaches for maintenance operations in large port-based tokamaks – Ben Drumm, UKAEA (M:27) |
J-416 Past, present, and future of Telemanipulation in Fusion: The Legendary MASCOT – Samuel Gibbs, UKAEA (M:28) |
J-602 Control System Testing and Verification of Radiation Hardened Electronics for Fusion Remote Maintenance Systems – Charlie Acres, UKAEA (M:29) |
J-549 UKAEA contribution to DONES design for remote maintenance – Chris Else, UKAEA (M:30) |
J-548 Sensor Fusion and Oscillation Tracking for Breeding Blanket Remote Handling – Christopher Hume, UKAEA (M:31) |
J-386 Case study and analysis of radiation-hardened 3D-LIDAR system for Remote Maintenance systems for Fusion – Emil Jonasson, UKAEA (M:32) |
J-565 Force sensing in next-generation Fusion Remote Maintenance systems – Emil Jonasson, UKAEA (M:33) |
J-588 Towards rapid concept design of long reach robot manipulators for fusion maintenance using Monte Carlo Tree Search neural networks – Nikola Petkov, UKAEA (M:34) |
J-559 Model-based robotic control for optimal manoeuvring of flexible payloads – Sam Herschmann, UKAEA (M:36) |
J-490 Creation of a Development Platform for Remote Maintenance Solutions for Fusion Plants – Samuel Hall, UKAEA (M:37) |
J-495 DEMO Maintainable architecture studies – Stuart Budden, UKAEA (M:38) |
J-541 Progress of DEMO in-bore pipe cutting and welding technology – Tristan Tremethick, UKAEA (M:39) |
J-503 IFMIF-DONES Remote Handling Lab: towards automation using 6 DoF pose estimation – Elio Valenzuela, Universidad de Granada (M:40) |
J-555 Input Shaping Control of Flexible Long Reach Manipulators – Alessandro Sofia, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (M:41) |
J-440 Kinematic Simulation of Divertor Remote Handling Equipment for DTT – Andrea Zoppoli, Università degli Studi di Padova (M:42) |
J-279 Maintenance procedure simulations in DONES using Virtual Reality – Kornél Lajos Varga, University of Granada (M:43) |
J-649 Challenges and principles for operator monitoring in telerobotic and telemanipulation tasks – Thomas Piercy, University of Manchester (M:44) |
J-340 Laser-induced ultrasonic phased array imaging for non-contact, non-destructive evaluation of tokamak power plant welds. – Matthew Riding, University of Strathclyde (M:45) |
J-556 Software Tool for Analysis and Testing of Flexible Long Reach Manipulators – Salvatore Fusco, University of the study of Naples Federico II (M:46) |
J-580 Integrating Physics Knowledge into Remote Inspection Systems using the JOREK-STARWALL Plasma Simulation Code – Brendan Devlin-Hill, University of York (M:47) |
J-120 Function-based minimum risk redesign of robotic system in a fusion reactor – Van Dung Truong, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (M:48) |