We recommend where-ever you are travelling from that you take public transport. The centre of Oxford has a Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ) and parking is limited.
All of the conference sessions are taking place at Examination Schools, 75 – 81 High St, Oxford OX1 4BG
The nearest car park is at the Westgate Shopping Centre. Oxford also operates a Park and Ride service, which is more cost effective, with regular buses running to the centre from four car parks around the city.
We would recommend you stay in Oxford itself, there are a lot of accommodation options, but they do get busy in the summer, so book soon to avoid disappointment.
Yes, lunch is included in your registration fee, together with tea and coffee on arrival, mid-morning and mid-afternoon tea and coffee with a light snack.
There are lots of cafes and restaurants throughout the city to suit all tastes and those of you attending the Women in Fusion dinner and the Gala dinner will, of course, eat there.
Short courses
Full details and time-tables, for the short course can be found here. Please bring a lap top to the course and, if appropriate, an adapter for the mains electricity. We use a three-pin plug in the UK.
A sandwich lunch is provided as part of your registration fee.
Tours of Culham
Everybody booked on a tour of UKAEA is expected to get the coach provided from just outside the conference venue, Examination Schools. Timings on the tours are tight and access to the UKAEA site is strict. You will need to bring photographic ID in order to get on the bus and be provided with your day pass to the site. You will also need to travel back to Oxford on the bus.
Speakers and poster presenters
The time-table is in the process of being finalised, we expect it to be made available by the end of the first week in June.
The poster time-table will be finalised at the same time as the oral time-table.
Your poster should be A0 portrait.
We encourage poster presenters to put their posters up when they arrive. Fixings will be provided.
Yes! To save you from having to carry your poster on the plane you can order your poster here. We will have a collection point at the venue and you can collect on the day that yours is due to be shown
Dress Code
The dress code for the conference itself is casual, but please check here to see the dress codes for the networking events.
It’s impossible to tell! The average daily temperature in Oxford in July is 23c (73f) and the month can expect 7 days of rain, but please keep an eye on the weather forecast before you come and hope for a warm, dry week!